Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biography

Justin Bieber , the most wanted pop musician, singer, actor and songwriter was first discovered by  Scooter Broun  in 2008. This talented ...

Justin Bieber, the most wanted pop musician, singer, actor and songwriter was first discovered by Scooter Broun in 2008. This talented singer was born in London, Ontario at Saint Joseph’s Hospital on March 1, 1994. His birth name was Justin Drew Bieber. His father, Jeremy Jack Bieber and his mother, Patricia “Pattie” Mallette was not husband-wife. But they maintained a close relationship between them. Her mother was only 18 when Justin came in this world. Who knew, this child will be one of the top faces in the world music!
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
It is quite amazing that the popularity of this young kid has spread in a few years due to YouTube! He was only 12 years old, when he came second in a local singing competition. His mother uploaded the video in YouTube and shared it. Soon, the video became so much popular that American Talent Manager Scooter Braun made his mind to become Justin’s manager. Scooter was so much astonished to hear the voice of Justin.
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
With Scooter, Justin went to meet Usher Raymond in Atlanta, Georgia and signed to the Raymond Braun Media Group [RBMG]. Justin Bieber’s first album was “My World” containing 7 tracks. It was released in 2009. It became so popular that it was certified as Platinum in the United States. His second album, “My World 2.0” was released in March 2010 and it also became platinum in the United States.
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Thus, Justin Bieber became the youngest celebrity in music in the whole world.
Here are some of Justin Bieber’s Photos:
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber: Latest Style Photos, Images & Biograpy
Justin Bieber With Dolphin
Thanks for reading this post.


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একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

প্রিয় পাঠক! যদি পোস্টটি পড়ে আপনার ভালো লেগে থাকে, অথবা পোস্টটিতে আপনার সমস্যা থেকে থাকে তবে একটি গঠনমূলক মন্তব্য করার অনুরোধ করছি । কারন আপনার একটি ভালো মন্তব্য লেখককে আরো ভালো পোস্ট লেখার অনুপ্রেরণা যোগাবে। আশাকরি এমন কোন মন্তব্য করবেন না, যা পড়লে লেখকের কাছে খারাপ লাগতে পারে । সাথেই থাকুন ধন্যবাদ....

মনে রাখবেন: এই ব্লগের কোনও সদস্যই কোনও মন্তব্য পোস্ট করতে পারে৷


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